CSS Age Calculator

Welcome to This Page Where you can Check your Age Calculator for CSS Exam and PMS Exam. This Age Calculator specially designed for Those Candidates who wants to Appear in FPSC CSS Exam or any other Exam where Age Matters.

CSS Age Calculator is Most Demanding tool for CSS / FPSC Candidates when they calculate their age. We create this tool by heart and in simple way to everyone can use it with use on Mobile Device or Desktop Computer or Laptop.

Read Also: CSS Exam Age Limit

CSS Age Calculator

This calculator made according to CSS Requirement. According to details, CSS Age Limit is 32. So you can fixed your date and enter your Date of Birth and Press Enter then your Eligibility Criteria will be show that You will eligible or not for Exam.

Check Also: SGPA Calculator

CSS Age Calculator

How To Calculate Age Limit For CSS?

First of All you must know that As Per Rule, Age limit for Appear in CSS Exam is 21 to 30 Years and cut-off date for age calculation is 31-12. But you have Some Age Relaxation in Different Categories.

  • Age Relaxation is 32 Years If you are belong to Buddhist Community, Scheduled Cast and recognized Tribe living in Areas of Balochistan, KPK.
  • 35 Years Age for Gilgat Baltistan People.

Read Also: CSS Eligibility Criteria

Frequently Asked Questions

How Age Calculated For CSS?

All of you know that Age Limit for CSS Exam is 21 to 30 Years.

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